Comprehensive risk management and insurance and protection services for our clients

Complaints Policy

Please download our Complaints Policy from the link below.

Our Complaints Policy spells out the way in which the business will manage complaints regarding the business.

This policy has been designed to provide guidance to our constituents, stakeholders and staff on the way BIS receives and manages your complaint. This process is intended to ensure that we handle complaints fairly, efficiently and effectively.

Complaints can provide us with feedback about products and/or services being offered. Effective handling of complaints contributes to the improvement of services and products of the business.

This policy has the full support of the board and all senior management and is seen as a key component in ensuring the long-term success and viability of the business.

Our procedures for handling complaints are based on Australian Standard AS ISO 10002 2014 and RG 271 Internal dispute resolution to ensure we meet our Licence obligations.

All complaints received by the business are to be documented to enable the business to learn, adjust and improve its services and products.

All staff must be familiar with and comply with this Policy and Procedure, understand the importance the business places on the effective operation of our Policies and Procedures and are encouraged to look for improvements to our procedures.

Protecting the Baptist Churches of Australia

Drawing on the experience of the Baptist Insurance Services Board and staff and the tremendous support of our insurance brokers and underwriters, we are able to ensure that the insurance policies we use are very broad in the cover provided, yet remain extremely competitive pricewise.
